Roman time: a red brick wall door ("Porta Rossa"?) opening in the Roman enclosure, probably at the end of the present via Porta Rossa, near piazza Santa Trinita. Roman baths (II and III S. after JC) were in current via delle Terme. The district, located close to the Roman ways and the bridge on Arno, was probably very commercial, already attended by travellers and foreigners, and well equipped with various inns.

XII century: Construction of the Monalda Tower, probably already by the Monaldi family. This family owns the tower until 1477. Probably there was already an inn near it, the locanda del Cammello, located more or less where the present Hotel is.

1386: First written mention of the "albergho di Porta Rossa" by Francesco Datini, merchant of Prato.

1477: Bartolomeo Bartolini, owner of other buildings in the neighbourhoods, buys the Monalda Tower and grounds.

1500 and following: Bartolini entrusts Baccio d'Agnolo with the construction of both palazzo Bartolini and palazzo Bartolini-Salimbeni. Built in two different styles, they are finished around 1520. The tower is “impalagiata”, included in the Bartolini palace, and still today habitable for the hotel's clients.

1555: The Dati family acquires both “palazzi”. In 1559, they sell one of them to the Torrigiani family, in whose descendants’ hands the palazzo degli Sportici remains still today.

XVI and XVII centuries: Various reorganizations, accompanied by various frescos, embellishments and decorations of various types.

End of the XIX: New reorganizations, in order to adapt the palace to its destination as a hotel.

Beginning of the XXth century:Realization of the ornamental stained glasses is entrusted to Ulisse De Matteis,
the botticellian topics which they illustrate are still visible in the hotel’s hall and breakfast rooms.

Today, it is possible not only to live in the old owners’ and guests’ rooms, but also in the last three floors of
the XII century’s tower, from whose roof-top salotto one enjoys a 360° view of the Florence city's heart.